py-gitinspector-devel | The statistical analysis tool for git repositories | |
py-gitlint | Git commit message linter | |
py-gitpython | Python Git Library | |
py-glom (V) | Python's nested data operator (and CLI) | |
py-gobject | Python bindings for glib2 gobject | |
py-gobject-shared | Python bindings for glib2 gobject | |
py-gobject3 | Python bindings for glib2 gobject | |
py-gobject3-common | Python version independent files for glib2 gobject bindings | |
py-google-api-core | Python support library for multiple Google libraries | |
py-google-apputils | Google Application Utilities for Python | |
py-google-crc32c (V) | Python wrapper of the C library Google CRC32C | |
py-google-i18n-address | Python library for internationalized address formatting | |
py-googleapis-common-protos | Python support for Public interface definitions of Google APIs | |
py-graphpath (V) | Analysing graph-structured data, especially RDF | |
py-graphql-core (V) | GraphQL.js, the JavaScript reference implementation for GraphQL | |
py-greenery (V) | Manipulation of regular expressions as finite state machines | |
py-greenlet | Lightweight in-process concurrent programming | |
py-grimp (V) | Builds a queryable graph of the imports Python packages | |
py-grip (V) | Render local readme files before sending off to GitHub | |
py-gtrie (V) | Pure Python trie data structure implementation | |
py-guppy3 | Python programming environment and heap analysis toolset | |
py-h5netcdf | netCDF4 via h5py | |
py-h5py | Python interface to the HDF5 library | |
py-hamcrest | Framework for writing matcher objects | |
py-hatch-fancy-pypi-readme | Fancy PyPI READMEs with Hatch | |
py-hatch-jupyter-builder | Hatch plugin to help build Jupyter packages | |
py-hatch-nodejs-version | Hatch plugin for versioning from a package.json file | |
py-hatch-vcs | Hatch plugin for versioning with your preferred VCS | |
py-hatchling | Modern, extensible Python build backend | |
py-hdf5able (V) | Serialisation interface from ndarray-focused objects to HDF5 | |
py-hdf5storage (V) | Utilities to read/write Python types to/from HDF5 files | |
py-hdfs (V) | HdfsCLI: API and command line interface for HDFS | |
py-hexbytes | Python bytes subclass that decodes hex | |
py-hexdump (V) | Dump binary data to hex format and restore from there | |
py-hg-cinnabarclone | Mercurial extension to accelerate git-cinnabar clone | |
py-hg-evolve | Experimental Mercurial extensions from Facebook | |
py-hg-fastimport | Mercurial extension for importing from a git fast-import stream | |
py-hg-git | Push to and pull from a Git server repository using Mercurial | |
py-hg-git-devel (V) | Push to and pull from a Git server repository using Mercurial | |
py-hgapi (V) | Python API to Mercurial using the command-line interface | |
py-hglib | Python library for interfacing with mercurial's CommandServer | |
py-hickle (V) | Hickle - an HDF5 based version of pickle | |
py-hopic (V) | Generic jenkins shared pipeline alternative | |
py-html (V) | Simple, elegant HTML, XHTML and XML generation | |
py-hyperscan | CPython extension for hyperscan | |
py-hypothesis | Python library for property based testing | |
py-hypothesis4 | Python library for property based testing | |
py-hypothesmith | Hypothesis strategies for generating Python programs, like CSmith | |
py-id | Python tool for generating OIDC identities | |
py-identify (V) | File identification library for Python | |
py-idle | IDLE - The Integrated DeveLopment Environment for Python | |
py-ijson | Iterative JSON parser with standard Python iterator interfaces | |
py-immutabledict | Immutable wrapper around dictionaries for Python 3 | |
py-impacket (V) | Collection of Python classes for working with network protocols | |
py-import-linter (V) | Enforces rules for the imports within and between Python packages | |
py-importlab | Library to calculate python dependency graphs | |
py-importlib-metadata | Read metadata from Python packages | |
py-importlib-resources | Read resources from Python packages | |
py-incremental | Small library that versions your Python projects | |
py-infinity (V) | All-in-one infinity value for Python | |
py-influxdb (V) | Python client for InfluxDB | |
py-iniconfig | Brain-dead simple config-ini parsing | |
py-inline-snapshot | Golden master/snapshot/approval testing library | |
py-InlineEgg | Python module for writing inline assembler programs | |
py-innerscope (V) | Expose the inner scope of functions | |
py-inquirer | Collection of common interactive command line user interfaces | |
py-instant (V) | Instant Inlining of C/C++ in Python | |
py-intelhex | Python library for Intel HEX files manipulations | |
py-intervaltree | Editable interval tree data structure | |
py-iowait | Platform-independent module for I/O completion events | |
py-ipaddr | Google open source IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library in Python | |
py-ipaddress (V) | Port of the python 3.3+ ipaddress module to 2.6 and 2.7 | |
py-ipykernel | IPython Kernel for Jupyter | |
py-ipython | Interactive computing environment for Python | |
py-ipython_genutils | Vestigial utilities from IPython | |
py-iso-639 | Library for working with ISO-639 language codes | |
py-iso3166 | Self-contained ISO 3166-1 country definitions | |
py-isort | Python utility/library to sort imports | |
py-itanium_demangler | Python parser for the Itanium C++ ABI symbol mangling language | |
py-jaraco.classes | Utility functions for Python class constructs | |
py-jaraco.collections | Collection objects similar to those in stdlib | |
py-jaraco.context | Context managers | |
py-jaraco.develop | Development utilities by jaraco | |
py-jaraco.env | Facilities for environment variables | |
py-jaraco.envs | Classes for orchestrating Python (virtual) environments | |
py-jaraco.functools | Additional functools in the spirit of stdlib's functools | |
py-jaraco.itertools | Additional itertools in the spirit of stdlib's itertools | |
py-jaraco.logging | Quickly solicit log level info from command-line parameters | |
py-jaraco.packaging | Tools to supplement packaging Python releases | |
py-jaraco.path | Miscellaneous path functions | | | Routines for dealing with data streams | |
py-jaraco.test | Testing support by jaraco | |
py-jaraco.vcs | Facilities for working with VCS repositories | |
py-jaraco.versioning | More sophisticated version manipulation (than packaging) | |
py-jarowinkler (V) | Standard versions of the Jaro-Winkler functions | |
py-joblib | Set of tools to provide lightweight pipelining | |
py-json5 (V) | Python implementation of the JSON5 data format | |
py-jsonpatch (V) | Apply JSON Patches according to RFC 6902 | |
py-junit-xml (V) | Create JUnit XML test result documents read by tools such as Jenkins | |
py-jupyter_client | Jupyter protocol implementation and client libraries |